Carbon Neutral Policy

Since 2006 when Bower was first established, our team has been dedicated to creating and delivering an effective sustainability ethos in our business activities. 

Every project we undertake – and every decision we make – is guided by our comprehensive Carbon Neutral Policy. This is a directive designed to keep us on track to become carbon neutral certified by 2035. 

Learn more about our strategies to help us meet that goal below… 

Encouraging understanding 

It’s important that everyone at Bower understands our sustainability objectives (and even adds to them). So we make our Carbon Neutral Policy clear to all staff and suppliers, and make it available to all interested parties. 

Championing clear leadership

By making clear, well-considered strategic decisions, we are guiding our teams towards full policy adoption. And inspiring our people to fully immerse themselves in our eco-friendly ethos. 

Following best practices 

The UK’s environmental policy landscape is always changing. New regulations are being introduced all the time, and these (rightly) place additional demands on companies as they adapt to environmental challenges. At Bower, we have made it our policy to be one step ahead in following best practice guidelines and securing legal compliance. 

Continually reviewing our objectives 

At Bower, we have established a clear set of targets within our Carbon Neutral Policy. We regularly assess our performance against these objectives and publish them in the public domain to ensure complete transparency. 

Improving our physical environment 

Much of our work involves boosting the energy efficiency of our buildings and IT systems, and sourcing renewable energy wherever viable. From making seemingly smaller operational choices – like going paperless and switching to LED lightbulbs – to implementing video calling facilities in place of remote face-to-face meetings, we are always working to streamline our energy consumption. 

Minimising travel 

In line with our preference for agile working practices and our commitment to reducing our team’s carbon footprint, we work to reduce our need for business travel. As up to 98% of an employee’s work-related carbon footprint is down to their daily commute, we also encourage our staff to have a mixture of work from home and the office if viable. 

Working with suppliers 

We work closely with our supply chain to identify opportunities for cutting emissions, use less energy, drive down waste, and utilise renewable resources wherever possible. We also investigate the resource efficiency of every company that partners with us. 

When it comes to procurement, we always favour eco-conscious businesses with a proven track record in robust sustainability practices. 

Exploring carbon offsetting practices 

However sustainable we aim to be, it is inevitable that we will produce residential carbon emissions as a result of our day-to-day operations. We are working to offset these emissions – from supporting climate projects in developing countries to restoring forests – as we actively look for new ways to generate additional carbon credits.  

Tree Appeal 

In line with our comprehensive Carbon Neutral Policy, we partner with Tree Appeal. This environmentally aware, inclusive initiative plants trees in schools, nature reserves, hedgerow, and dedicated woodland areas throughout the UK. For Bower, they plant a tree on behalf of every new client, who are then given a unique code so they can track the species and location of their tree at the click of a button.